Welcome to Salon Daguerre registration page

Registrations end on Sunday, May 11th, 2025 at 11:59 p.m. Paris time. Please read and follow carefully the instructions below.

Individual Participant

Registration as well as submission of photo are done on this page: register here. Before pressing "submit", please  double-check the informations as subsequent changes are manual. After submission, a payment link is sent by email to the entrant. The participation to the Salon is validated after payment.

Participating club

Participation of several members of the same club is done following three steps:

  1. Club registration: The club designates a sole and unique referent who registers the club once. The referent receives a unique club participation number to be communicated to members.
  2. Registration of club members entrants: each member who wants to participate to the Salon registers and submits his photos with the club participation number.
  3. Closing of submissions and payment of club participation: when all club members authors are done submitting, the club referent requests the closing of the club participation. A club invoice is then issued and a payment link is available to the club referent. The participation of all the authors is validated by the payment of the club invoice.