New Author registration

Note: fields followed by an asteriks (*) are mandatory

Author details

Please indicate your gender here in order to participate in the award for best female author.
You can specify here your awards
Facultatif: vous pouvez indiquer ici votre profil Instagram
Facultatif: vous pouvez indiquer ici vos autres profils sociaux et sites web
The mailing address is used to send medals
If you are a FPF member, please indicate your FPF member number. Otherwise, leave empty.
Please enter here the club participation number provided by your club referent if your participation is a club participation. Otherwise, leave empty.

Pictures submission


Picture title: It must be unique and must not contain "sans titre" or "untitled". It is used to identify the picture and will not be used during the judgment.

Picture file: The image dimensions must not exceed 1920 pixels width and 1080 pixels height. Portrait images must not exceed 1080 pixels height. File size must not exceed 2MB.

You can submit up to 4 images per section. Leave the "title" and "file" fields empty to submit no picture.

Section A : Open theme (PID Mono - Monochrome Only)

All techniques are allowed. Creativity is allowed in this category.

The images must be monochrome, and correspond to the PSA and FIAP : See definition of “Open” Monochrome photography (section 13.1) in the Salon Rules

Section B : Backlighting (PID Mono - Monochrome Only)

For the submitted images, the light source must be behind the person, object or whatever is the subject of the photograph.  In other words, the light (whether natural or artificial)  is opposite the photographer and the subject is lit up from behind.  Play around with light, shadow, contrast.

This section is a Monochrome section and COLOR IMAGES are NOT allowed in that section.

Section C : Open theme (PID Color - Color only)

All techniques are allowed. Creativity is allowed in this category.

An important remark is that MONOCHROME IMAGES are NOT allowed in that section.

See definition of “Open Color” section in the Salon Rules

Section D : Rainy days (PID Color - Color only)

Bring out your raincoats and umbrellas!  We will be looking for images of falling rain, from a few drops to a real downpour, as well as the traces left by rain on streets, cars, plants, etc. Subjects may include drenched passers-by, children playing in a puddle, raindrops on windows revealing a barely visible landscape or streetscape beyond.  The possibilities are endless, and may involve everything from the use of wide angle lenses to macrophotography.

An important remark is that MONOCHROME IMAGES are NOT allowed in that section.

Section E : Sign Language (PID Color - Color only)

On the ground, walls, or on signboards; in streets, stations, subways, shopping centers, museums, hospitals … signs are all around us.  They show us the way, tempt us, forbid us….  Make use of the graphic nature of signage with its repetitions, its contradictions, or its connection to the surrounding environment. Obviously signs must be a key element in your composition.

An important remark is that MONOCHROME IMAGES are NOT allowed in that section.